photo Justyna Gieleta

set design Dr.D.

models M.Warmuz & A.Skura

International Kissing Day (6th of June 2014) became an inspiration to a happening “Kissing Zone” that coincide with the final exhibition of the year of the Media Arts Department was at the same time finalization of didactic work with professor Włodzimierz Szymański, Alternative Imaging Workshop in academic year 2013/2014. 

The same name was given to the whole exhibition of atelier that I became a curator. In the project participated students and PhD candidates of the department and invited guests. Twenty one works were presented including my own works: „The Sky Over The Bronx December 1st 1935 10:55 PM.”, „Rockaway Beach 10!”, „Self Control”, „”, „Woody Allen Square”,Deconstructing Woody Allen”. Happening “Kissing Zone” opened the atelier exhibition.

Image above: ”Kissing Zone” exhibition poster

(M. Jankowska in association with z Dr. D.)

Left image: Project of the poster and invitation 

(Dr. D. in association with M. Jankowska)

Image at the top: internet website of the event