The years that I spent on Allen’s work confirmed my hypothesis that is a certain amount of satire which is main attribute of its author. Moreover, it shows his fully conscious of the need to implement movies. He did it in order to be able to meet the most beautiful and most desired actresses. “I never wanted the movie to be a goal. I wanted it to be a way life that will allow to live well and meet attractive women and go for dates.”(1) At the same time he consolidated his achievements in order to get satisfaction from the fact of publicizing them to millions of people around the world. As much as performative relations excused alter ego of the author to socially unaccepted behaviors resulting from his satyriasis. He has a true romance with Soon Yi Previn. A girl with unclear status o majority (2) , who is at the same time adopted daughter of Mia Farrow – Allen’s life partner with who he conceived his first child. It became a stigma that Allen at all costs tried to hide and that to the end of life will put a shadow on his person, but not as much as in Roman Polański’s case, who had to flee from the United States or master of Woody Allen – Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin had relationships with at least four underage women: Hetty Kelly (he is 19 she is 15 years old), Mildred Harris (he is 29 she is 16 years old), Lita Gray (he is 35 she is 16 years old), Oona O’Neil (he is 54 she is 17 years old) becoming the inspiration for Nabokov’s novel “Lolita”. However, Woody bet the scandals at the moment when Mia Farrow found in his apartment photos of naked daughter Soon Yi with whom Allen as he admitted started to have sex on his 56th birthday on December 1st 1991. (3) “I like when a girl is arrogant and spoilt while brilliant and beautiful” says Allen. (4) Hyper sexuality that is emanating from his works is an expression of the disruption of impulse control and satisfaction is gained from acquiring new partners. It becomes successful seduction (5)for a person who is far from canon o beauty. “When women are asked what is the most alluring in men always sense of humor shows up”- says Allen, because he does not lack this one. In “Manhattan”
Isaac Davis says to young Tracy: „Enjoy my cut wit and amazing bed possibilities…If they will not arrest me, because of underage seduction, we will establish a few new records.” (6) His creation became autobiographic message of exhibitionist with a large addition of spicy humor and frustrated life of artist who fights with mortality. Quintessence of “Allenism” is statement from the last part of “Manhattan” and concerns Davis who was played by Allen. “He was plagued with rages, liberal Jewish paranoia, male chauvinism, moralistic misanthropy and nihilistic disintegration. He complained on his life and was searching for a solution. He wanted to be an artist, but he did not want to sacrifice. In the most intimate moments he harps on a fear before death. It was to the tragic height, because he was a plain narcissist”. David Denby film critic of „New York” magazine noticed: „Did Woody Allen provoke his own defeat in order to experience a kind of neurotic pleasure and sacrifice his life from longed for a long time and giving him the satisfaction revenge on himself?” (7) In the book“ Personal album of Woody Allen” he mocks on himself: “Two of the biggest myths about me are: I am an intellectual, because I wear glasses and I am an artist, because my movies are unprofitable. Both of them have been spread for years.” Although he invariably wears the same brand of glasses we may doubt that he still only plays an intellectual and that his movies are in the forefront box offices for ages
1 Woody Allen “Personal album of Woody Allen”
2 When she was adopted she did not hale any documents, so Her age was confirmed based on the physical organism development taking the DOB between 1970 and 1972
3 => 7
4 Playboy, May 1967
5 Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz: Treatment of the functional sexual disorders Warsaw: PZWL, 1985, p 231-233. ISBN 832000828X
6 Woody Allen Manhattan
7 Tim Carroll “Woody Allen and his women”